Keeper of the Crystals: Eve and the Kraken Hunt
AUTHOR : Jess BlackILLUSTRATOR : Celeste HulmeKeeper of the Crystals 8: Eve and the Kraken HuntDuring a walk to the headland near Marigold Beach, Eve introduces Oscar to her new friend, an endangered octopus she has been visiting for the last three days. But soon after, Eve and Oscar are transported to another world. Eve finds herself swaying to the rhythm of the ocean as she stands on the deck of an old wooden ship. Can she save the kraken from being hunted by sailors?
Keeper of the Crystals is an adventure fantasy series full of secrets and mystery. Eve and Oscar, two unlikely friends, accidentally tap into the power of crystals. They are thrust into different and dangerous worlds where unicorns, tigers, dragons and panthers communicate with people and where native communities and their way of life are under threat. What are the secrets of the crystal keeper and why does Eve have these powers?AGE : 6 - 8 yearsRELEASE DATE : 1st January 2019
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